Sunday 17 January 2010

CVs and Portfolios

What is a CV?

Well. A CV is:

-A way of advertising and 'selling' yourself to a prospective client.
-A summery of achievements, awards.
-Personal to me.
-A brief summery of my history, qualifications, (relevant previous employment).

What should a CV contain?

-My name.
-Contact information.
-A brief overview of my education and qualifications.
-Who I am as a designer.
-My strengths.
-Relevant work experience.
-A link to my portfolio.
-It should be tailored to be personal to person/company receiving my CV. (This of course doesn't really include the 'online CV' part.)
-Hobbies perhaps? Could be included in who I am as a designer.

What is a portfolio?

-A careful selection of my best (and most relevant) work.
-Can be a physical object, or online, or sent out on a DVD.
-Is completely personal to me.
-A way of displaying my strengths and skills.

What should a portfolio contain?

-My name.
-My contact details.
-It should definitely have a feel of consistency.
-The best pieces of work at the start and the end.
-A limited selection of my work. Don't overwhelm any prospective clients.
-A brief description with each piece of work.

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